Porto: Charm and History in Portugal


Porto: Charme e História em Portugal

  • Porto: Charm and History in Portugal
  • Porto: Charm and History in Portugal
  • Porto: Charm and History in Portugal

Discover a charming city with unique architecture, exceptional cuisine, and the renowned Port wine. Perfect for those seeking culture and breathtaking landscapes.

  • Overview
  • Day and Hour
    03/17 to 03/24/2025

    Stay: 7 nights, 8 days

    Available hotels
  • Includes/Not includes
    The package includes:
    Airfare departing from São Paulo
    Accommodation at Vila Galé Porto

    The package does not includes:

    Taxes, fees, and extras

plans from:

10x R$ 887,00
per person
Schedule em PDF

7 nights, 8 days
03/17 to 03/24/2025

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